We have a number of facilities which are essential for our work on the ExoMars mission. These include:
- Space Instrumentation Laboratory, including a bespoke wind tunnel developed by Scanwel
- PAT Lab – the Planetary Analogue Terrain Laboratory
- AUPE – the Aberystwyth University PanCam Emulator
- Blodwen – a half scale ExoMars rover chassis
- Calibration and Spectroscopy Laboratory
- Materials Physics Laboratories
AUPE development began in 2009 when a camera system to provide data representative of the ExoMars PanCam instrument was required for field testing.

Blodwen is our half-sized ExoMars rover, based upon the ESA ExoMars rover Concept-E mechanics. The rover has 6 wheel drive, 6 wheel steering, and a 6 wheel walking capability (3 DoF per wheel).